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"Deities of Cathaysia" is an original song featuring Stardust and was first showcased at the 2017 bilibili New Year Gala. It was officially uploaded to bilibili and YouTube on February 10, 2017.

The song tells the tales of cultural heroes in Chinese mythology.

The PV showcases the following VOCALOIDs and concepts as cameos in the ending: Luo Tianyi, YANHE, Xin Hua, Yuezheng Ling, Yuezheng Longya, Mo Qingxian, Zhiyu Moke, and Zhanyin Lorra.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili within a day. In February 2017, this song reached 1 million views on bilibili and became the first Stardust original song to achieve this number.

Succeeding versions




Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音) Official English
吞吐间是云水泱泱 tuntu jian shi yun shui yang yang Vast clouds in my breath
指尖上是尘土茫茫 zhi jian shang shi chentu mangmang Boundless dust on my fingers
我检点五千转飞光 wo jiandian wuqian zhuan fei guang I go through five thousand years
太初混沌一双明目启张 taichu hundun yishuang ming mu qi zhang Bright eyes are opened in the beginning of chaos

持巨斧劈开这洪荒 chi ju fu pi kai zhe honghuang Pangu splits apart Heaven and Earth with a swing of giant axe
开宇疆以叩问三皇 kai yu jiang yi kou wen san huang To extend the territory to seek an audience with the Three Sage Kings
谁将我在琅环阁藏 shei jiang wo zai Lang Huan ge cang The Emperor of Heaven collects classics in Lang Huan Palace
二十四朝能纳多少篇章 ershisi chao neng na duoshao pianzhang How many chapters throughout the ancient China

天东有若木 tian dong you Ruomu Tree Roumu in the Eastern Heaven
钟山有赤龙衔烛 zhong shan you chi long xian zhu and Dragon Zhulong in Mt. Zijin
烧热华夏子民的五脏六腑 shao re huaxia zi min de wuzang liufu warms up the hearts of Chinese nations
射金乌的箭 she jinwu de jian Houyi pulls back the cord
按在我的弓弦上 an zai wo de gongxian shang to shoot the Sun
无垠霄汉不过英雄的瞭望 wuyin xiaohan buguo yingxiong de liaowang Whatever a boundless ground cannot be out of heroes' sight

焉有火光 取星辰之辉来耀四方 yan you huoguang qu xingchen zhi hui lai yao sifang Suiren uses the light of stars into fire to shine the country
尝百草 也豪饮大泽河渭汤汤 chang baicao ye haoyin da ze he wei shang shang Shennong tastes hundreds of herbs and drinks water from thousands of rivers
斩断鳌足 立天柱万仞以正玄黄 zhan duan ao zuli tian zhu wan ren yi zheng xuanhuang Nuwa chops off feet of the huge turtle Ao to set up the foundation of the nation
如今它 仍旧是我挺直的脊梁 rujin ta rengjiu shi wo ting zhi de jiliang Now still it is my straight spine
鱼龙阵内 我金戈既出无人不降 yu long zhen nei wo jin ge jichu wu ren bu xiang In chaos Chiyou fights against Huangdi
一战死 留英魂常镇八方万邦 yi zhan si liu yinghun chang zhen bafang wanbang He dead in the battle however his brave soul still guards the country
飞鸢为旗 齐迎我驾北斗星到场 fei yuan wei qi qi ying wo jia beidouxing daochang Glede as flag Huangdi rides chariot to the battlefront
中原九万顷须由我写下历纪第一章 zhongyuan jiu wan qing xu you wo xie xia li ji di yi zhang On the ninety-thousand-acre-plain I am the one to begin the Age of Pantheon

访昆仑也涉西山淇 fang kunlun ye she xishan qi I visit several mountains and pass by painted walls
曾路过彩绘的画壁 ceng luguo caihui de hua bi get to classics of inscriptions
或寻至碑铭的典籍 huo xun zhi beiming de dianji drink up Heaven and Earth
饮罢乾坤喉头犹有热气 yin ba qiankun houtou you you reqi with heat in the throat

常羊山拾一把干戚 Changyang shan shiyi ba gan qi Xingtian dances with Ganqi in Mt. Changyang
九天上乘雾见玄女 jiutian shangcheng wu jian xuan nü Goddess of the Empyrean live in the Heaven
骑红鲤在龙门游弋 qi hong li zai longmen youyi Red carp jumps through the Dragon Gate
造三千字道破一点天机 zao sanqian zi daopo yidian tianji Cangjie creates characters to civilize the world

杜若含秋光 duruo han qiuguang Goodness always dies fast
九歌一梦起湘江 jiu ge yi meng qi Xiangjiang Quyuan dreams of returning to Xiangjiang River
它在华夏子民血脉中流长 ta zai huaxia zi min xuemai zhongliu chang He is remembered from generation to generation
七弦琴悠扬 qixianqin youyang The melodious sound of lyre
我共河伯醉一场 wo gong he bo zui yi chang holds Goddess Luo and God River spellbound
借问那玉佩是否还在洛阳 jiewen na yupei shifou hai zai Luoyang is the jade pendent still in Luoyang?

东海浩荡 七尺红绫击排空巨浪 Donghai haodang qi chi hong ling ji pai kong ju lang Huge waves crash nosily on the vast Donghai Sea
踏金轮 我六瞳之中莲花开放 ta jin lun wo liu tong zhi zhong lianhua kaifang Nezha rides on hot wheels in the center of lotus
翅下风雷 芒角昭昭封我为大将 chi xia fenglei mang jiao zhaozhao feng wo wei dajiang Leizhenzi is appointed the General due to his braveness
登云行 石烂松枯也不过片晌 deng yun xing shilansong ku ye buguo pian shang Yunzhongzi climbs over the clouds to realize time really flies
三更点灯 照夜来白额猛虎入帐 san geng diandeng zhao yelai bai e menghu ru zhang King Wen dreams of white tiger entering his room in the dead of night
出岐山 我抬头看见彩凤飞降 chu qishan wo taitou kanjian cai feng fei jiang Magpies fly to show the appearance of a wise king
招妖幡动 众精怪俯首称我为王 zhao yao fan dong zhong jingguai fushou cheng wo wei wang Every deity bows to Jiangziya and call him the King
列宿次第开该由我揭下封神第一榜 lie su cidi kai gai you wo jie xia feng shen di yi bang He is the one to start the Legend of Deification

羲和的金车走了多长 xi he de jin che zoule duo chang How far away has Xihe's Golden Car left?
望舒御月去了何方 Wangshu yu yue qule hefang Where is Wangshu riding the Moon to?
我上游银河下走大荒 wo shangyou yinhe xia zou dahuang I have been up to the Milky Way And down to the desert
十二楼听谁将故事弹唱 shi'er lou ting shei jiang gushi tanchang But who to sing out the story in Twelve Towers

神话世代 眨眼间曲折成了回廊 shenhua shidai zhayan jian quzhe chengle huilang During generations of gods the hardship is twisted into cloisters
千载后 它是我掌心里的纹章 qian zai hou ta shi wo zhangxin li de wen zhang After thousands of years It becomes into wrinkles of my hands
英雄过往 或斑驳在朱漆的画堂 yingxiong guowang huo banbo zai zhuqi de hua tang The history of heroes develops in the red painted Hall
但也在 这山高海阔天地苍茫 dan ye zai zhe shangao hai kuo tiandi cangmang Also in this groundless world
焉有火光 取星辰之辉来耀四方 yan you huoguang qu xingchen zhi hui lai yao sifang As well as light of stars to shine brightly
中原上 谁扬鞭策得历纪开章 zhongyuan shang shei yang biance de li jikaizhang Who is raising whips to open the new era in Cathaysia
东海浩荡 七尺红绫击排空巨浪 Donghai haodang qi chi hong ling ji pai kong ju lang Huge waves crash nosily on the East China Sea
列宿下 谁留名封神台前金榜 lie su xia shei liu ming feng shen tai qian jinbang Who is on the front list of Legendary of Deification
行过昆仑 壶中日月把浊酒温烫 xingguo Kunlun hu zhong ri yue ba zhuo jiu wen tang Passing by Kunlun Mountains To warm the wine in the pot
借热意 我笔下漫书琅环典藏 jie re yi wo bixia man shu lang huan diancang I write down and recite many classics with drunkenness
披览篇章 遁入传奇作一番荒唐 pi lan pianzhang dun ru chuanqi zuo yi fan huangtang I read thousands of books to live a legendary life
溯回五千年任由我自诩万古第一狂 su hui wuqian nian ren you wo zi xu wangu di yi kuang traced back to five thousand years let me name myself as "the Hero of Cathaysia"





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