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"Guāngliú Zhōngyān" is an original Yuezheng Ling. It is the fifth song in the Song of Time Project. Is is sung from the perspective of Hsuan Dodge.

This song has exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.

Preceding versions[]

Renyi Daren's Version
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Renyi Daren (vocals), Tang Tang (compose, arrange), Wu En (lyrics, mixing), Xiang Nan (mixing), Miao ☆ Jiang (audio), REI, A She Zhang (illustrators), Dawang (video)
Categories Human cover


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
光与暗的交汇之月 guang yu an de jiaohui zhi yue
诗人苏醒于逆流河水的倾泻 shiren suxing yu niliu heshui de qingxie
纵横明灭 化作十位圣徒的灾劫 zongheng mingmie hua zuo shi wei shengtu de zai jie

天与地归一的宫阙 tian yu di gui yi de gongjue
权杖失落于闪耀黑暗的泥穴 quan zhang shiluo yu shanyao hei'an de ni xue
幻境在绝望处撕裂 huanjing zai juewang chu si lie

魂魄卑怯 骨骼淌着血 hunpo beiqie guge tangzhe xue
舞动在灼热之雨夜 wudong zai zhuore zhi yuye
杀意盛宴 续写愚者与智者的交接 shayi shengyan xu xie yuzhe yu zhizhe de jiaojie

生死不屑 光翼化的蝶 shengsi buxie guang yi hua de die
明媚于孤岛之彼岸 mingmei yu gudao zhi bi'an
冰冷醒觉 嘲笑虚妄的和平与赞美的诗篇 bingleng xing jue chaoxiao xuwang de heping yu zanmei de shipian

沉醉于角斗的齐瓦列 chenzui yu juedou de qi wa lie
迷途于力量的甘比捏 mitu yu liliang de gan bi nie
碰撞处建起腥红泡沫 pengzhuang chu jian qi xing hong paomo
刽子手伯爵 沼泽清除一切 guizishou bojue zhaoze qingchu yiqie

光与暗的交汇之月 guang yu an de jiaohui zhi yue
诗人咏唱于宁静安逸的圣殿 shi ren yongchang yu ningjing anyi de sheng dian
纵横明灭 zongheng mingmie
化作时光流沙的终焉 hua zuo shiguang liusha de zhongyan


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