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Your engine noise is strong and you're just another fucking software
—Author's note

"Nǚ Biǎo Kǒu Lì Kǒu" is an original song that features a rap battle between the VOCALOID3, Xin Hua, and the UTAU, Xia Yuyao. Here, they throw insults at each other or brag about their accomplishments while keeping to the beat of the music.

Insults and achievements include, but are not limited to: Xia Yuyao having a buggy voicebank, referring to her usage in UTAU. She receives good rankings and promotion, nobody could really compete. She was released before Xin Hua and the VOCALOID should pay respect to her. Being young and pretty in comparison. Xin Hua insulting Xia Yuyao by saying, "You say you were 'born' (released) early? Please! You were just leaked early," and calling her out for lack of large and bouncy breasts, especially if she was supposedly older. The UTAU having terrible tuning and nobody caring for her promotional tricks. Her bugs were not being fixed, like she was just some disposable trash. Her demo song was not allowed to be covered by others and she has terrible pronunciation.

Xin Hua lacking songs, despite having a higher quality and less engine noise as a VOCALOID. Xin Hua having a terrible website. Xia Yuyao calling her a vulgar word rather than a "Yogurt Girl". The VOCALOID being YAMAHA's child, had doriko and HoneyWorks create her demo songs, and does not require complex tuning to hit the rankings. Being called a gold digger since producers have to pay for her and the VOCALOID engine. She only had one official illustration. Her slang being too slow for her tongue, like her Taiwanese accent is a joke.

At the end, both insulted each other saying that she would never be good because her voice and engine is full of robotic/electronic tone.


Singer + Color
Xia YuyaoBoth
Xin Hua

Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
老娘出生早 作品多到不用找 Laoniang chusheng zao zuopin duo dao buyong zhao
出道「屠榜遥」 谁能跟我一样屌 Chudao `tu bang yao' shei neng gen wo yiyang diao
晚来就是小 叫声姊姊后面跑 Wan lai jiushi xiao jiao sheng jie jie houmian pao
我已有大幅宣传 妳官网还在搞 Wo yi you dafu xuanchuan nai guanwang hai zai gao

我清纯窈窕 苹果推我上头条 Wo qingchun yaotiao pingguo tui wo shang tou tiao
你工作真不挑 内裤见光爱露尻 Ni gongzuo zhen bu tiao neiku jian guang ai lu kao
这算什么毛 洗洗睡觉别乱搞 Zhe suan shenme mao xi xi shuijiao bie luan gao
什么「优酪乳少女」 根本只是一堆洨 Shenme `you lao ru shaonü' genben zhishi yi dui xiao

好笑出生早 听到风声才偷跑 Haoxiao chusheng zao tingdao fengsheng cai tou pao
出道「BUG遥」 没乳还想跟人摇 Chudao `BUG yao' mei ru hai xiang gen ren yao
年长只是老 胸部根本没我好 Nian zhang zhishi lao xiongbu genben mei wo hao
我引擎强大无比 妳的调教算三小 Wo yinqing qiangda wubi nai de tiaojiao suan san xiao

妳那宣传招 发表之后没人鸟 Nai na xuanchuan zhao fabiao zhihou mei ren niao
我后台才是屌 正统VOCAL大老 Wo houtai cai shi diao zhengtong VOCAL da lao
doriko跨刀 HoneyWorkers发表 doriko kua dao HoneyWorkers fabiao
就算只是无调教 周刊照样让我跑 Jiusuan zhishi wu tiaojiao zhoukan zhaoyang rang wo pao

是谁在发表会送人科技泡绵 Shi shei zai fabiao hui song ren keji pao mian
注定回家洗碗的苦命悲哀佣人脸 Zhuding hui jia xi wan de kuming bei'ai yongren lian
是谁声库要钱 编辑器也要钱 Shi shei sheng ku yao qian bianji qi ye yao qian
摆明了就是要钱 还有死要钱 Bai mingliao jiushi yao qian hai you si yao qian

是谁的娘家BUG不管 就这样射后不理 Shi shei de niangjia BUG buguan jiu zheyang she hou bu li
自称第一其实真相是二十几的必屈 Zicheng di yi qishi zhenxiang shi ershi ji de bi qu
是谁的人设评价较差还要争夺第一 Shi shei de ren she pingjia jiaocha hai yao zhengduo di yi
周边CD单图 就想骗钱而已 Zhoubian CD dan tu jiu xiang pian qian eryi

是谁的DEMO曲不准人家翻唱 Shi shei de DEMO qu bu zhun renjia fanchang
被骂很久才放 大家早就遗忘 Bei ma henjiu cai fang dajia zao jiu yiwang
是谁的DEMO曲投稿分类乱上 Shi shei de DEMO qu tougao fenlei luan shang
「出包」王女讲白就只是一个智障 `Chu bao'wangnü jiang bai jiu zhishi yige zhizhang

是谁咬字不清外加超级大舌头 Shi shei yaozi bu qing waijia chaoji dashetou
说是故意制作根本就只是借口 Shuo shi guyi zhizuo genben jiu zhishi jikou
是谁卷舌要卷不卷 腔调Low Shi shei juan she yao juan bu juan qiangdiao Low
说是台湾口音根本就只是说说 Shuo shi Taiwan kouyin genben jiu zhishi shuo shuo

妳虚伪做作! Nai xuwei zuozuo!
妳淫荡下流! Nai yindang xialiu!
妳只剩人设骗人心! Nai zhi sheng ren she pian ren xin!
妳空有引擎没作品! Nai kong you yinqing mei zuopin!

妳电子音多 比上真人也他妈的只是个软体!!! Nai dianzi yin duo bi shang zhenren ye ta ma de zhishi ge ruanti!!!

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