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I returned from hell, along were the whispers of demons.
—Author's note

"Wǒ Cóng Dìyù Guīlái" is an original song by Haixian Mian and Sijiedamowang featuring YANHE, Xingchen, and Yuezheng Ling.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.


Singer + Color
Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
祝贺你这实属不易 跨越过诸多伪命题 zhuhe ni zhe shi shu buyi kuayueguo zhuduo wei mingti
可这里不存在真谛 我想你将要窒息 ke zheli bu cunzai zhendi wo xiang ni jiangyao zhixi
没关系困惑与质疑 也可以忏悔中哭泣 meiguanxi kunhuo yu zhiyi ye keyi chanhui zhong kuqi
所有被玩味的主题 都是我消遣的提笔 suoyou bei wanwei de zhuti du shi wo xiaoqian de ti bi
晦涩的隐喻 浮夸的比拟 huise de yinyu fukua de bini
何须太在意 越挣扎越致命 hexu tai zaiyi yue zhengzha yue zhiming

来看吧我脚下尸骸遍地 lai kan ba wo jiaoxia shihai biandi
渺小的伟大的都融为一体 miaoxiao de weida de dou rong wei yiti
它们在撕咬中相拥死去 tamen zai si yao zhong xiang yong siqu
却又用骨与血孕育新生命 que you yong gu yu xue yunyu xin shengming

瞳孔中是彼此鲜活倒影 tongkong zhong shi bici xian huo daoying
所触及竟是张腐朽的人皮 suo chuji jing shi zhang fuxiu de ren pi
那一刻薄暮下洪钟顿起 na yike bomu xia hongzhong dun qi
我就在这里 是人间还是地狱 wo jiu zai zheli shi renjian haishi diyu

所以你是否想逃离 这一幕荒诞的光景 suoyi ni shifou xiang taoli zhe yimu huangdan de guangjing
可朝阳每一次升起 一切仍往复不息 ke zhaoyang mei yici sheng qi yiqie reng wangfu bu xi
是夜里逝去的亡灵 颂唱着虚假的福音 shi yeli shiqu de wangling song changzhe xujia de fuyin
在哄骗新晋的来宾 去重复它们的暴行 zai hongpian xin jin de laibin qu chongfu tamen de baoxing
无奈与清醒 愤怒与叹息 wunai yu qingxing fennu yu tanxi
沉默的神明 越全职越无力 chenmo de shenming yue quanzhi yue wuli

来看吧我脚下白骨阶梯 lai kan ba wo jiaoxia baigu jieti
卑劣的高贵的都宛如蝼蚁 beilie de gaogui de dou wanru louyi
昼与夜饱受着欲望洗礼 zhou yu ye bao shouzhe yuwang xili
那文明粉饰早已惨白无力 na wenming fenshi zaoyi canbai wuli

当抛下人性的装饰面具 dang pao xia renxing de zhuangshi mianju
越坦诚越残忍越无可匹敌 yue tancheng yue canren yue wu ke pidi
在这里从未有人能逃离 zai zheli cong wei youren neng taoli
我就在这里 守望着无数坟茔 wo jiu zai zheli shouwangzhe wushu fenying

沉沦或奋起 屈从或叛逆 chenlun huo fenqi qucong huo panni
生存的游戏 越残酷越美丽 shengcun de youxi yue canku yue meili

来看吧恶之花绽放肆意 lai kan ba e zhi hua zhanfang siyi
丑陋的美艳的已毫无差异 choulou de mei yan de yi hao wu chayi
那咆哮不过是初生婴啼 na paoxiao buguo shi chusheng ying ti
原始而躁动的亦无可制抑 yuanshi er zaodong de yi wu ke zhi yi

去厮杀从纯真榨取权柄 qu sisha cong chunzhen zhaqu quanbing
你将会听见我垂怜的鼻息 ni jiang hui tingjian wo chui lian de bixi
在这里从未有人想逃离 zai zheli cong wei youren xiang taoli
你也将沉溺 生存的血腥瑰丽 ni ye jiang chenni shengcun de xuexing guili

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