Vocaloid Wiki


"Guī Qù Lái Xī" is an original song by Sya and Qianbi featuring Luo Tianyi.

According to the lyrics, the song is about a man who left his lover to join the army during the time of war. She did not receive any news about him after he left, but still stayed to wait for him, full of hope that he would return. At the end, he returned to her from the battlefield.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.

Succeeding versions[]

4 Person Human Version
bilibili logo
Qianyimohua-P (vocals), Qianbi (lyrics, vocals), Sya (compose, vocals), Ryuu (arrange, mixing, vocals), ASK (illustrator), Bingzhentiandoujiang (video)


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
雨打荷花侧 yu da hehua ce
叫醒了 化蝶梦 jiao xingle hua die meng
前廊姗姗半步踱 qian lang shan shan ban bu duo
看云开 日落 kan yun kai riluo

风声熄蝉鸣 fengsheng xi chan ming
吹散了 萤火虫 chui sanle yinghuochong
夜深明月过 ye shen mingyueguo
窗前烛火恍惚又闪烁 chuang qian zhu huo huanghu you shanshuo

怕记起 樱花树下曾对酒当歌 pa ji qi yinghua shu xia ceng dui jiu dang ge
莫追忆 春意盎然俳句尚青涩 mo zhuiyi chunyi angran paiju shang qing se
此时情 难理清 ci shi qing nan li qing
心思彷徨影婆娑 xinsi fanghuang ying posuo
何处借红豆一颗 he chu jie hongdou yi ke

寂寥市井也再难觅到你身影 jiliao shijing ye zai nan mi dao ni shenying
不经意 春去秋来更迭换年纪 bujingyi chun qu qiu lai gengdie huan nianji
夜浓时分踌躇坐起 ye nong shifen chouchu zuo qi
轻声细语唤得君名 qingsheng xi yu huan de jun ming
泪珠儿也换不回相遇 leizhu er ye huan bu hui xiangyu

刀刃破空声 daoren po kong sheng
吵醒了 婴童梦 chao xingle ying tong meng
青石板沁染血色 qing shiban qin ran xuese
雨欲来 风厉声喝 yu yu lai feng lisheng he

乱世祈安宁 luanshi qi anning
却等得 城郭破 que deng de chengguo po
颠沛流离中 dianpei liuli zhong
花容月貌难耐岁月磨 huarongyuemao nannai suiyue mo

莫要提 夕阳之下诉浓情蜜意 mo yao ti xiyang zhi xia su nong qing mi yi
依稀记 花灯飘下厮守耳边语 yixi ji huadeng piao xia si shou er bian yu
表忠心 报国意 biao zhongxin baoguo yi
配得利刃潇洒去 pei de liren xiaosa qu
只剩相思抚不平 zhi sheng xiangsi fu buping

繁闹世间却再难听到你消息 fan nao shijian que zai nanting dao ni xiaoxi
白驹过隙 夏过冬留容颜仍清晰 baijuguoxi xia guodong liu rongyan reng qingxi
沧海桑田时代更替 canghaisangtian shidai gengti
叹息一声拭干泪滴 tanxi yisheng shi gan lei di
薄命儿怕等不到归期 boming er pa deng bu dao guiqi

雨纷纷 巷口街尾那伞下人 yu fenfen xiang kou jie wei na san xia ren
回眸凝视 横纵伤疤掩不住眼神 huimou ningshi heng zong shangba yan buzhu yanshen
此时此刻万千悔恨 ci shi cike wan qian huihen
化成云烟弹指一瞬 huacheng yunyan tanzhi yishun
梦儿成真 meng er cheng zhen

寂寥市井又再次觅到你身影 jiliao shijing you zaici mi dao ni shenying
光阴逝去 春去秋来更迭换年纪 guangyin shiqu chun qu qiu lai gengdie huan nianji
伞下相对千言万语 san xia xiangdui qianyan wan yu
却难出口只剩泪滴 que nan chukou zhi sheng lei di
在为重逢书一笔结局 zai wei chongfeng shu yi bi jieju

Other media appearances[]


This song was used in the Dì Yī Bù album.

External links[]

