Vocaloid Wiki


"Yí Mèng Qiān Cháo" is an original featuring Luo Tianyi. It is followed by "Yìyǔ Hóngchén".

According to the lyricist, the song is about a girl named Tianyi (Luo Tianyi) from the Song dynasty who meets a girl named Ling (Yuezheng Ling). Ling was lost when Tianyi was washing clothes by the river, so Tianyi invited the other to live with her. They gradually develop feelings for each other and play. They happily spend half a year together. But one day, Ling disappears, only leaving a note that explains that she was actually from the future. Due to a distortion of the time and space, Ling time-traveled back to the Song dynasty, where she met Tianyi and fell in love with her. But because the distortion of the time and space was restored, she must go back, leaving Tianyi alone. At the end, Tianyi hoped that she meets with Ling again in dreams.

In regards to the words at the end of the PV, "绫 欢迎回家," (Ling, welcome home), the lyricist says that it can mean that Tianyi meets Ling again or that Tianyi is waiting for Ling to come back. The words also represent the expectation of Ling's release.

This song exceeded 100,000 views on bilibili.


Chinese (中文歌词) Pinyin (拼音)
江南春水绕 过石桥 jiangnan chunshui raoguo shi qiao
桥下船儿两头翘 qiao xiachuan er liangtou qiao
波浪摇 柳絮飘 bolang yao liuxu piao
飘来喜鹊枝头闹 piao lai xique zhi tou nao
河畔浣衣浸夹袄 hepan huan yi jin jia ao
水光粼粼映叶茂 shui guang lin lin ying ye mao
转回身 颜相照 对目瞧 zhuan huishen yanxiangzhao dui mu qiao

你话语轻描 似相告 ni huayu qing miao si xiang gao
顾自迷路惹人恼 gu zi milu re ren nao
怎落脚 无依靠 zen luojiao wu yikao
孤单漂泊身潦倒 gudan piaobo shen liaodao
面生窘意心儿焦 mian sheng jiong yi xin er jiao
眉间愁容颇俊俏 mei jian chourong po junqiao
情难却 付欢笑 忙相邀 qing nan que fu huanxiao mang xiang yao

与你 泛起轻舟顺流而下撑起一只长篙 yu ni fan qi qingzhou shun liu er xia cheng qi yi zhi chang gao
漫步丛间赏遍野花分外的妖娆 manbu cong jian shang bianyehua fen wai de yaorao
细雨摇 抹不掉 青春年少 xi yu yao mo bu diao qingchun nianshao
似梦 仿佛春色永不消 si meng fangfu chunse yong buxiao

伴我 踏遍千山渡过万水直到天涯海角 ban wo ta bian qian shan duguo wan shui zhidao tianyahaijiao
隐居深林不去过问红尘的喧嚣 yinju shenlin bu quguo wen hongchen de xuanxiao
忘不了 这一秒 你的微笑 wang buliao zhe yi miao ni de weixiao
回眸 喜情悦色上眉梢 huimou xi qing yue se shang meishao
春光正好 chunguang zhenghao

转眼秋天到 风萧萧 zhuanyan qiutian dao feng xiaoxiao
吹落柳叶四飘摇 chui luo liu ye si piaoyao
徒寂寥 何处找 tu jiliao he chu zhao
未来人儿回今朝 weilai ren er hui jinzhao
独自空把庭院扫 duzi kong ba tingyuan sao
却闻啁哳相思鸟 que wen zhao zha xiangsi niao
茫然顾 面枯槁 心儿憔 mangran gu mian kugao xin er qiao

人言命难逃 事难料 ren yan ming nan tao shi nan liao
昔日如胶今分道 xiri ru jiao jin fen dao
秋风悄 似剪刀 qiufeng qiao si jiandao
刀刀戳心催人老 dao dao chuo xin cui ren lao
忆起那时你的笑 yi qi na shi ni de xiao
回味曾经的拥抱 huiwei cengjing de yongbao
自酌酒 入酣梦 度此宵 zi zhuo jiu ru han meng du ci xiao

梦里 与你泛舟顺流而下撑起一只长篙 meng li yu ni fanzhou shun liu er xia cheng qi yi zhi chang gao
携手看那漫山野花格外的妖娆 xieshou kan na man shan ye hua gewai de yaorao
恍惚间 找回了 青春年少 huanghu jian zhao huiliao qingchun nianshao
空愿 保留春色永不消 kong yuan bao liu chunse yong buxiao

徒想 与你相伴一去不回飞到天涯海角 tu xiang yu ni xiangban yi qu bu hui fei dao tianyahaijiao
隐居桃源白头不顾尘世的喧嚣 yinju taoyuan baitou bugu chenshi de xuanxiao
夕阳下 你与我 相视一笑 xiyang xia ni yu wo xiang shi yixiao
此生 唯有你在我心梢 cisheng wei you ni zai wo xin shao
一梦千朝 yi meng qian chao

Other media appearances[]

Video Games[]

This song is featured in the following games:


External links[]


  • MP3 — Taihe Musician

