Vocaloid Wiki

I was out most of the day in a confidence building course. I felt ill throughout the day though. My father and I have been having a lot of arguments lately and I've got pains in my chest from worrying myself too much. Also, the 2nd of June is tomorrow, I have NO IDEA how tomorrows going to turn out. Tomorrow I've got to go tell someone about whats going on between me and my dad. I was so nervous this morning I was just talking and talking. I don't normally talk much, but if I'm up to it I don't shut up. :-/

I'm usually quite shy.

The guy hosting it cracked a joke we all laughed at. Many years ago he was in an interview for the police in front of a panel of 30 people and the mayor of... Whereever he was going to work for. During the interview they asked him;

"What would you do if your girlfriend was caught stealing from a shop"

Of course this was a serious question meant to quote some very serious issues and see if you would be morally correct. After all its your girlfriend, its personnel, you've got to do the right thing or you'll loose your job in the police force.

His response was to the panel;

"Well... The first thing I'd do is make sure the wife didn't find out about it..."

